Friday, October 24, 2008

City Council by Bike

Yestersday evening my News Writing & Reporting class had to cover a Bellevue City Council Meeting. The meeting started promptly at 7p.m. with our anticipated arrival quarter past six. I was not only stoked at the idea of a field trip,but also the ride and route that would take me there. It went like this...
Downtown to 13th St. headed South on the pearl white Soulcraft, then hooked up with Bellevue Blvd. (which is spectacular by the way) The Blvd. is lined with brick for the first half which was quite a delight in the dark and steady rain conditions, I pounded up hills and raced cars like I was on the streets of Belgium dodging other fellows clad in multi-color spandex.It was especially great when I rolled up to the City Council Mtg. on Mission Ave. and "parked" a foot from the door while my classmates scoured Old Towne Bellevue for the closest availiable spot.
The meeting covered three topics- annexes,beautification of Bellevue building and design and the use of temporary signs. The meeting lasted over three hours and was a freaking riot. Can't wait to write my story! (sarcastic tone)
Would have much rather been hitting gravel in Iowa our racing a death-crit against autos on the B.B.

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