Slick paint scheme, decent components, and high dish orange as kindergarten wheels that actually feel pretty dang solid. The District was a special order, so it's already out the door, but more are on the way.
I guess I can keep posted when we get more. It's worth trying out. In the mean time, here's a small gallery I shot before the customer came in all giddy and took it from my grasp.
Thanks for the pics, Lucas. That belt drive look really neato. Where the "teeth" go into the cog, it's almost hard to tell the belt apart from the cog.
I like the idea of this drive system in the Soho using the internally geared hub. Any word on when the new Soho is coming out?
Combining the belt drive and internal hub makes a really kick-butt commuter, in my opinion.
but i would love to push this spot cycle around...
looks good enough too.
that looks like nice bike Scott and I were talking about it on way home last night... Like ninja Scott always manages to sneak up on me on Farnam st.
i would like to ride off-road belt bike.
i guess you will see what real hipsters are in couple of weeks huh?
I can only sneak up on you in the stop-and-go of downtown traffic, since you're on that singlespeed.
Once the roads open up, I'm barely hanging on.
rd, i suppose you're right, but i'm more interested in this sort of thing out there. though don't get me wrong, i'm thinking about getting a trek district and dressing it up in njs and some velocities.
"this sort of thing" --> http://tinyurl.com/os9av6
I second what erik said. I think the district is a great looking bike but I really want to get my hands on a spot brand and see how they handle in the dirt.
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