Just like with a missing child "Amber Alert," this "Yeller Alert" demands a quick distribution, hence the blog post with picture.
I had been perusing the Trek Omaha store with my daughter and was just about to walk out the door when Bryan called out the news from a Twitter message from Brady. The news:
Keep an eye out for my bicycle - it's kevlar cable was cut and stolen in front of the downtown public library today after 2pm (link)
I think of this collaborative blog as one of the voices of Omaha's diverse cycling community. Given its wide readership and number of people out on the streets cycling, it's my hope that getting this news out quickly to the local community might help Brady get his bike back.
It's easy to spot. It's the color of a yellow UP locomotive, or yellow like a school bus. Also, the little triangle under the seat made by the GT frame where the seat stays join the top tube make the frame easy to recognize.
If you see Old Yeller, call 911. Then call or message Brady.
This theft is so very unlike Omaha. I wonder if, with RAGBRAI, the professional bike thieves are in town.
Thanks for the post, Scott.
Details: "Old Yeller" and its wheels were secured with a Kevlar cable to the bike rack on the west side of the Omaha downtown public library (15th and Douglas). Bike and lock were last seen at around 2pm.
GT Zr-4000
Powder coated yellow & no decals
Serial# MT90105838
I reported to Omaha Police at 5pm. Apparently, two other bikes have also been stolen from that same spot within the past month.
I'd take some of the advice at http://www.jimlangley.net/crank/howtolock.html and print out some flyers and take them to all the bike shops in town.
It's ironic that today, on my day off, I rode down and took my U-Lock and cable off UP's rack, due to the threat of Building Services cutting off locks remaining on the racks overnight. I had resigned to give up the fight to keep lock on the racks and go back to using my easily packable cable lock.
Given this change in the scenery, I think I might start packing the U-Lock and locking the front wheel to the racks, as well.
I think now might be a good time to make sure I've recorded my serial numbers, and maybe stuffed a business card down the handlebar tube or inside the headset, should I ever need to quickly verify ownership.
I filed a report at http://www.bikewise.org/pub/report/theft/67.
Let me know if you want to adjust any of the details.
That sucks. Keep a eye on craigslist and maybe even yard sales near the library. If several bikes have been stolen in that area, there is a decent chance the theif is local.
FYI - I was chatting with someone on Friday who reported that a bike was stolen from outside of the Federal Building - lock cut off with a hack saw. Disturbing trend to be sure.
A guy that I talked to today in front of the library said another bike was stolen downtown late Friday night. He said that it was by a coffee shop and a movie theater downtown - could he be referring to Film Streams & Blue Line?
That's it. I'm getting a Kryptonite New York Fahgettaboutit U-lock or chain, or maybe both.
Maybe these I could leave on the rack without fear of it being cut by building services. :)
Yay... Brady got his bike back.
Hi Brady,
Any chance you could email me regarding the bike stolen from area by coffee shop and movie theater? I think we have that bike it was left at our business. Would like to get it back to the rightful owner. Thank you
rwlh03@yahoo.com That is a zero in the username. Thanks
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