Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Bicycling as Commuting

A friend of mine sent this to me and wanted to get the word out…

Bicycling as Commuting
Thursday, March 26, 2009
First United Methodist Church, 69th & Cass Streets, Omaha (enter north door education wing)

Do you want to cut your carbon footprint, and get more physically active at the same time? Help reduce traffic congestion, and help reduce our dependence on foreign oil? Have you considered making bicycling part of your routine? Perhaps even your main mode of transportation?

We'll be discussing bicycling as a means of commuting at our March 26 program. We've got a great group of speakers to let you know what is happening in Omaha to make cycling safer and more reliable as a means of getting around town. And these experienced cyclists can give tips on what you need to know if you want to ride smart and ride safe.

Our speakers are leaders with Activate Omaha and Bikeable Communities! and include:
  • Marty Shukert, principal with RDG Planning and Design, and former Director, City of Omaha Planning Department;
  • Stuart Shell, also with RDG, and board member of the Community Bike Shop;
  • Kerri Peterson, executive Director of Our Healthy Communities Partnership;
  • Kent McNeill, founder and owner of Highgear and Trek Bicycle Stores.
Our speakers are avid cyclists who will describe the progress Omaha is making towards becoming a bicycle friendly community. We'll hear about the 20-mile loop program, which has the goal of getting 20 miles of designated bike lanes in the downtown and midtown area, focused on getting east/west routes. We'll learn about factors to consider in choosing cycling as your main means of transportation, strategies to take with different types of roads, and tips to help you arrive at your destination safely.

Come to our March program to find out what you can do to increase your cycling miles while staying safe.

Sierra Club programs are free and open to the public. For more information, contact Mary Green at 556-1830, or org

Live Green,

Daniel J. Lawse, Co-Chair
Green Omaha Coalition | Green Neighborhood Council

1 comment:

EB said...

If I go to this plenty of lip biting will occur.