Monday, February 9, 2009

Mother Nature, you evil temptress!

I don’t know about you blokes, but I have a love-hate relationship with Mother N. This bout of warm weather is a nice break, but I fear what’s around the corner. This morning while riding to work in a single long sleeve jersey, splashing in puddles like a 4-year old, I lost track that it is February. As the southerly wind hit my face I noticed the sting of cold air was missing and was replaced with the fresh smell of leaves and dusty rain. Although I was enjoying the ride immensely I couldn’t help but wonder what’s in store. Similar to dating that popular hot chick in high school. You know the relationship won’t last long before she leaves you. She’s just a tease. Try to enjoy her while you can. And just like that popular hot chick, when she’s gone you’re left wondering if you would have been better off never meeting her. When the real February returns I’ll curse these warm days for what they’ve done to me.

Open call to Northwest suburban rebels. If you live in the N/W side of town and ever want to get out on the road, or gravel, holla back at cyclekraft(at)gmail(dot)com. I’m off work Wednesday and Thursday this week and need to get some mileage in my legs.


EB said...

Yeah Yeah-

I'll call ya later today my friend.

Biker Bob/Runner Bob said...

Anybody know where EB is? Last I heard, he was about to blow across the Canadian border.

Enjoying that wind EB?

Douglas said...

I don't know about EB, but thank goodness my commute home was from the south. The wind was wicked fast, making for an interesting ride home. Once on the road at 156th Street I was passing traffic on the left. What a hoot!

Still looking for riders for Wed or Thurs this week. Bob...whadaya say?

EB said...

I had a gay ol' time yesterday!

Biker Bob/Runner Bob said...

The Douglas... No can do on Wednesday or Thursday. Work till 5 and have to be home by 6:30 both days.